1 oz. of product treats 350 gallons of water.
For optimal results, maintain these important pond parameters:
- pH 6.5-8.2
- temperature 60˚F (15˚C) minimum
- dissolved oxygen 3 p.p.m.(3mg/l) minimum
Shelf life: 2 years
Store at room temperature.
Use Real Clear® AK when excessive aquatic debris has become a problem in your pond. Real Clear® AK is manufactured to battle tough pond problems for a clean pond and a safe, healthy aquatic environment for the entire pond population. It also reduces sludge and unpleasant odors created from waste products in ornamental ponds. Use appropriate dosage weekly until desired appearance is achieved. When satisfied with your pond’s appearance, switch to Real Clear® Bio-Clarifier for ongoing maintenance.
Weight | N/A |
Unit Size | 16oz, 32oz, 64oz, 128oz, 6gal |